Abstracts/Presentation Description
Adrina Varda1
1ACT Pathology
Pernicious anemia is predominantly a haematological manifestation of chronic autoimmune gastritis that ultimately leads to gastric atrophy and vitamin B12 deficiency. The development of these features are due to the presence of autoantibodies. Specifically, autoantibodies to gastric parietal cells are sensitive but not specific for pernicious anemia. The converse applies to intrinsic factor autoantibodies, with incidence noted to increase with disease progression. The decision to undertake both autoantibody tests depends on the laboratory’s algorithm, noting available evidence in literature and the tests requested. Currently at ACT Pathology, autoantibodies to intrinsic factor are sent away to an external laboratory where ELISA is employed. There is no gold standard or standardised platform; other methods employed include CLIA and EliA. This quality improvement project mainly aims to compare these 3 platforms with the view of introducing the most fit-for-purpose and concordant assay. Preliminary data has demonstrated that there is 100% concordance between the external laboratory ELISA results compared to our ELISA (14 samples, Cohen’s kappa 1) and CLIA (25 samples, Cohen’s kappa 1). This is also the case when direct comparisons were made between our ELISA and CLIA. Further analysis of samples will be made in addition to testing the performance of EliA.
1ACT Pathology
Pernicious anemia is predominantly a haematological manifestation of chronic autoimmune gastritis that ultimately leads to gastric atrophy and vitamin B12 deficiency. The development of these features are due to the presence of autoantibodies. Specifically, autoantibodies to gastric parietal cells are sensitive but not specific for pernicious anemia. The converse applies to intrinsic factor autoantibodies, with incidence noted to increase with disease progression. The decision to undertake both autoantibody tests depends on the laboratory’s algorithm, noting available evidence in literature and the tests requested. Currently at ACT Pathology, autoantibodies to intrinsic factor are sent away to an external laboratory where ELISA is employed. There is no gold standard or standardised platform; other methods employed include CLIA and EliA. This quality improvement project mainly aims to compare these 3 platforms with the view of introducing the most fit-for-purpose and concordant assay. Preliminary data has demonstrated that there is 100% concordance between the external laboratory ELISA results compared to our ELISA (14 samples, Cohen’s kappa 1) and CLIA (25 samples, Cohen’s kappa 1). This is also the case when direct comparisons were made between our ELISA and CLIA. Further analysis of samples will be made in addition to testing the performance of EliA.
Speaker/Presenting Authors
Submitting/Presenting Authors
Dr Adrina Varda - ACT Pathology (ACT, Australia )