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Pathology Update 2025

161 - Tuberculosis or lung cancer? An uncommon presentation of tuberculosis

Roche Scientific E Poster Display

Roche Scientific E-Poster Display

Discipline Streams

Forensic Pathology


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Abstracts/Presentation Description

Shi Rui Tan, Eng Swee Teo
Forensic Medicine Division, Applied Sciences Group, Health Sciences Authority, Singapore
Tuberculosis continues to be the leading cause of death globally from a single infectious agent, having been temporarily surpassed by COVID-19 during the pandemic. Numerous countries in Asia and Africa are classified by the World Health Organization as high tuberculosis burden countries. Tuberculosis usually affects the lungs, with endobronchial involvement or extra-pulmonary manifestations less common.
We present a case involving the sudden death of a young Asian female who experienced haemoptysis prior to her passing. Autopsy showed an ill-defined lesion within the lumen of the right main and lower lobar bronchi, with near-complete occlusion of the lumen. Involvement of the left parietal and visceral pleura, both lungs and carinal lymph nodes was also present. Differential diagnoses included a malignancy or infective process. Cultures subsequently isolated Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.
While endobronchial tuberculosis is an uncommon presentation of tuberculosis and can mimic an endobronchial lung malignancy, it is important to recognise it as a potential cause of death, particularly when the circumstances are suggestive and the decedent originated from an endemic region.

Statement of contribution: The corresponding author contributed to the literature review, case summary and discussion sections of this poster.

Speaker/Presenting Authors


Submitting/Presenting Authors

Dr Shi Rui Tan - Forensic Medicine Division, Applied Sciences Group, Health Sciences Authority (Singapore)
