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Pathology Update 2025

175 - Early eluting peak pattern in Variant II high-performance liquid chromatography as a novel diagnostic marker for α-thalassaemia trait with --SEA deletion

Roche Scientific E Poster Display

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Abstracts/Presentation Description

Wing Kit Lam1, Winnie Yim Fong Law1, Tsz Fung Wong1, Vivian Hoi Kei Woo1, Aves Hui Hsuan Wu2, Eudora Yu De Chow2, Ka Ngai Lau1, Alice Ching Ching Wong1, Sze Fai Yip1
1Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong; 2Department of Pathology, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
Background: Detection of α-thalassaemia trait with Southeast Asian deletion (--SEA) traditionally based on haemoglobin H inclusion test (HbHi) is labour-intensive and time-consuming. We aim to investigate the use of a novel α-thalassaemia early eluting peak (αEEP) observed at the retention time of 0.24 min generated by Variant II high-performance liquid chromatography as a potential alternative for α-thalassaemia screening in our Chinese population.1 
Methods: 303 archived blood samples for haemoglobin pattern study were analysed for αEEP and HbHi results with blinded observers. The performance characteristics of αEEP and HbHi in detecting --SEA was compared.
Results: The αEEP and HbHi showed concordance rate of 96.0% (κ=0.921, p<0.001). Among the 74 cases with molecular results available, αEEP showed superior performance for detecting --SEA (sensitivity 93.8%, specificity 100%) compared to HbHi (sensitivity 81.3%, specificity 95.2%). Staff operation time of αEEP (10 minutes per 100 cases) was significantly shorter than HbHi (1800 minutes per 100 case).
Conclusion: The novelly-described αEEP was found to be more sensitive and specific than the HbHi in detecting α-thalassaemia trait with --SEA. The αEEP could be an alternative of HbHi for α-thalassaemia screening, with over 98% reduction in reagent and labour cost.
Reference: 1. Lam WK, Law WYF, Wong TF, et al. A specific early eluting peak in Bio-Rad Variant II cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (CE-HPLC) for the screening of alpha-thalassaemia in a Chinese population. Pathology. 2023 Oct;55(6):835-842.
Author Contribution Statement: Lam WK conceptualised the study, designed the study and drafted the abstract; Lam WK, Law WYF, Wong TF, Woo HKV, Wu AHH collected and analysed the data; Chow EYD, Lau KN, Wong ACC, Yip SF analysed the data. All authors reviewed and approved the abstract.

Speaker/Presenting Authors


Submitting/Presenting Authors

Dr. Wing Kit Lam - Tuen Mun Hospital (Hong Kong SAR, China, Hong Kong SAR, China)
