Abstracts/Presentation Description
Kacey O'Rourke1
1Sullivan Nicholaides Pathology
Cellavision is a digital haematology platform that allows digital review of blood films. This technology has been in use in Sullivan Nicholaides for several years for scientist blood film review. In more recent times this technology has been applied for haematologist blood film review.
1Sullivan Nicholaides Pathology
Cellavision is a digital haematology platform that allows digital review of blood films. This technology has been in use in Sullivan Nicholaides for several years for scientist blood film review. In more recent times this technology has been applied for haematologist blood film review.
Cellavision for haematologist review has several potential scientific and efficiency savings for the haematology laboratory. This talk will outline the local procedures undertaken in rolling out Cellavision for haematologist film review. This technology allows several benefits including the capacity to review films remotely, create image databases for later review and teaching, and improve accuracy of reporting as well as significant time savings. The regulatory requirements and limitations of the technology will be discussed and our approach to managing these will be outlined.
Speaker/Presenting Authors
Submitting/Presenting Authors
Dr Kacey O'Rourke MBBS FRACP FRCPA - Sullivan Nicholaides Pathology (QLD, Australia)