Abstracts/Presentation Description
Thornton Macauley1
1St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne
Background: In Australia, use of FISH testing for high-risk primary and secondary cytogenetic abnormalities (HRSCA) is well-established in PCM, and Medicare-rebated once per lifetime1, despite HRSCA also being acquired at relapse. With development of risk-adapted, targeted therapies against these lesions2,3, benefit may exist in FISH testing at relapse.
1St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne
Background: In Australia, use of FISH testing for high-risk primary and secondary cytogenetic abnormalities (HRSCA) is well-established in PCM, and Medicare-rebated once per lifetime1, despite HRSCA also being acquired at relapse. With development of risk-adapted, targeted therapies against these lesions2,3, benefit may exist in FISH testing at relapse.
Methods: Retrospective cohort study of PCM patients who had FISH testing at a statewide cytogenetics service at diagnosis and at one or more relapses between 01/09/2020-01/09/2023. Testing must have included IGH break-apart and dual-fusion FISH probe testing on a diagnostic bone marrow aspirate specimen, and CDKN2C/CKS1B and TP53/NF1 dual-colour probe testing on both diagnostic and relapse specimen/s. Prevalence and acquisition rates were quantified.
Results: Of 101 eligible patients identified, 12.9% acquired HRSCA at relapse: gain(1q21) 5.9%, del(17p13) 2.0%, del(1p32) 2.0%. 3 patients synchronously acquired multiple HRSCA. 51.5% of patients had one or multiple HRSCA at PCM diagnosis. The primary cytogenetic abnormality of IGH rearrangement was seen in 53.5% of patients. Clone size changes when persisting at relapse were positive, except in del17p cases.
Conclusion: Acquisition of new HRSCA occurs at PCM relapse. Portending poorer prognosis when detected, this study supports the need for FISH testing at relapse and review of Medicare funding.
1. Item 73370 | Medicare Benefits Schedule [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 16]. Available from: https://www9.health.gov.au/mbs/fullDisplay.cfm?type=item&q=73370&qt=ItemID
2. Mina R, Musto P, Rota-Scalabrini D, Paris L, Gamberi B, Palmas A, et al. Carfilzomib induction, consolidation, and maintenance with or without autologous stem-cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: pre-planned cytogenetic subgroup analysis of the randomised, phase 2 FORTE trial. Lancet Oncol. 2023 Jan 1;24(1):64–76.
3. Li J, Stagg NJ, Johnston J, Harris MJ, Menzies SA, DiCara D, et al. Membrane-Proximal Epitope Facilitates Efficient T Cell Synapse Formation by Anti-FcRH5/CD3 and Is a Requirement for Myeloma Cell Killing. Cancer Cell. 2017 Mar 13;31(3):383–95.
1. Item 73370 | Medicare Benefits Schedule [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 16]. Available from: https://www9.health.gov.au/mbs/fullDisplay.cfm?type=item&q=73370&qt=ItemID
2. Mina R, Musto P, Rota-Scalabrini D, Paris L, Gamberi B, Palmas A, et al. Carfilzomib induction, consolidation, and maintenance with or without autologous stem-cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: pre-planned cytogenetic subgroup analysis of the randomised, phase 2 FORTE trial. Lancet Oncol. 2023 Jan 1;24(1):64–76.
3. Li J, Stagg NJ, Johnston J, Harris MJ, Menzies SA, DiCara D, et al. Membrane-Proximal Epitope Facilitates Efficient T Cell Synapse Formation by Anti-FcRH5/CD3 and Is a Requirement for Myeloma Cell Killing. Cancer Cell. 2017 Mar 13;31(3):383–95.
Speaker/Presenting Authors
Submitting/Presenting Authors
Dr. Thornton Macauley - St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne (Victoria, Australia)