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Pathology Update 2025

Scientific Session - Anatomical



1:30 pm

22 February 2025

Plenary - Enter through Plenary Doors 9 & 10

Discipline Streams

Anatomical Pathology


Session Scientific Program

The current trend in soft tissue neoplasia is to define tumors based on their underlying genomic alterations. Moreover, clinicians increasingly request testing for “actionable” mutations which may allow for targeted therapy. However, not every institution may have access to specific molecular tests for rare or ultra rare soft tissue tumors, and the definition of “actionable” in regards to many mutations seen in sarcoma is dubious at best. This presentation will discuss diagnostic and theragnostic targets in sarcoma, and discuss pros, cons, and workarounds for molecular diagnostic testing in this context. 

This session dives into the evolving field of tumors with myogenic differentiation, including rhabdomyogenic tumors, pericytic tumors, and unclassified sarcomas with myogenic differentiation, and aims to improve recognition of unusual entities in this spectrum. A particular focus is to enable improved discrimination of true leiomyosarcoma from benign and malignant mimics.

2:50 pm

